Friday, January 19, 2007


Welcome to my Web log Queen of Diamonds! It is the log of my research of the biography of Owyhee County, Idaho, horse dealer Kitty Wilkins--Queen of Diamonds: Kitty Wilkins, Horse Queen of Idaho, and the Wilkins Horse Company.

No scholarly biography of Kitty Wilkins has been written, and it's time someone did so. I've decided to create this blog to share my research and thereby to encourage other researchers to share theirs with me. Scholarship is collaborative. If someone beats me to an academic study of Kitty Wilkins and the Wilkins Horse Company, so be it. The biography of Kitty Wilkins is too important to keep hidden behind a shroud of jealousy.

As I post my research notes and photographs, I hope other researchers will comment or e-mail me.


pippijewelry said...

Hi Philip,
I came across your blog through a post on the ISU website. What a fascinating woman Kittie Wilkins was! I am using her as the subject for the final drawing in my drawing class. I will send you a picture of the finished work.
Looking forward to finding out more about Kittie,
Pippi Konstanski

Jacquie Rogers said...

So how's the research going? I heard someone was writing a book on Kitty Wilkins--is that you?


Victoria Lynn Rose said...

I read about Kittie Wilkens in the book, "Women of the West" and have often referred to her when I give historical presentations on side saddle ridding. Very much enjoyed the details on your blog. Hope you get that book written. I admire this individual very much.

Colleen Kohler said...

She has a fascinating history. I am glad you are researching her.